Getting To Know Maria Ozawa News

Bag Raid with Maria Ozawa

Ever since Maria Ozawa has tons of activities, we succeeded in bag raid her bag a few moments ago.

Known as a successful celebrity business in Asia, Maria Ozawa shared some tips for us regarding the must-have items inside of her fancy bag.

Welcome back to Maria’s Room. A complete guide to know more details about Maria Ozawa. What makes this interesting is Miyabi as the Business Celebrity Partner of M88 Mansion as the leading online gaming in Asia delivers some interesting news about her daily activity through her vlog and her favorite slot game. Register here for more.


The glimpse is actually quick, but Ozawa always looked outstanding no matter what style that she put on. Her iPhone is the most essential thing so far. She can easily check everything or stay in touch with her team about all meetings at once.

As the Business Celebrity partner of M88 Mansion, she makes sure her water intake is optimal because keeping herself fit is also her priority. She realizes that the human body is about 70% water, and drinking enough water is vital for optimal health.

We also found lipstick, lip balm, SPF and a fancy 50 oz perfume. Ozawa also carried a minimalist toiletries bag and said,”you know.. Just in case!..” Then we laughed so hard together.

Maria then pulled out her bag and stated that she doesn’t like sweets. Sugar is just going to ruin her health.

Don’t forget to visit Maria’s Room and register here at M88 Mansion as Asia’s leading online gaming entertainment platforms.